case study

P.S. Rental

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P.S. Rental is a luxury bridal rental platform in the United Kingdom

P.S. Rental is a luxury bridal rental platform in the United Kingdom market that offers a wide range of wedding dresses and accessories for rent. They feature dresses from top bridal brands, allowing brides to find their dream dress without the need to purchase it. The platform also offers party dresses, bridesmaids dresses, veils, and jewelry. Customers can select up to three dresses to try on at home and enjoy a month-long rental period. P.S. Rental also provides reversible alterations services to ensure the perfect fit. By renting instead of buying, brides can save money, contribute to sustainability, and even earn money through the sharing economy. The platform aims to deliver a chic and quality experience, hand-selected by stylists. They offer a user-friendly website with a FAQ section for any inquiries.

Our team provided maintenance services to P.S. Rental, including targeting a to-do list and working closely with their marketing team. In addition, we went through multiple sprints to optimize conversion ratings and improve the user experience. Through our collaboration, P.S. Rental was able to benefit from a more streamlined and user-friendly website, resulting in increased engagement and higher conversion rates. The optimized website allowed for easier navigation and selection of rental options, leading to a better overall user experience.Furthermore, the maintenance services we provided helped to ensure that the website functioned smoothly and efficiently, reducing downtime and improving customer satisfaction. This, in turn, bolstered P.S. Rental's reputation as a reliable and trustworthy brand, encouraging repeat customers and driving growth for the company.Overall, our partnership with P.S. Rental helped them to achieve their goals of delivering a high-quality luxury rental platform, contributing to sustainability, and offering brides a cost-effective option for their dream wedding attire.

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